Love Letters; Spirograph

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1 John 2:12-14, 20, 25

July 9, 2023

Start by welcoming students and letting them get their wiggles out. Ask what the best part of their week was. When introductions are done, 

Have them sit down and put on their listening ears. Read from 1 John chapter 2


I write to you, dear children,
    because your sins are forgiven through Jesus Christ.


I write to you, fathers,
    because you know the one who existed from the beginning.

I write to you, young people,
    because you have defeated the Evil One.


I write to you, children,

    because you know the Father.

I write to you, fathers,

    because you know the one who existed from the beginning.

I write to you, young people,

    because you are strong.

The word of God lives in you,

    and you have defeated the Evil One.

20 You have the gift that the Holy One gave you. So you all know the truth. 

25 And this is what the Son promised us—eternal life.

Ask: Did anyone hear repeating words in this chapter I read from 1 John? 

(Pick out one example to help them–i.e. You Know the One who existed from the beginning.)

Ask children if they know who “The One” is. Explain that Jesus has existed with God the Father since the beginning of time. 

Ask: Why do you think John would repeat himself? (wait for answers–if they are silent, ask, do you remember things when you hear them once? What about when you hear them twice? Is it easier to remember what someone is telling you when they tell you the same thing but in different ways? Me too! John is saying some of the same things in different ways because he’s painting a picture for us, with his words, about the One we’ve known from the beginning.)

Funny example of a circular argument (personal story)

Explain to children that we’re going to do an art project to show what 1 John is teaching us about the love of our God in Jesus Christ.

Open the spirograph and start by placing the large open centered wheel down onto a piece of white scrap paper. (Start with regular paper so they can get the technique down.)  Use poster putty to adhere wheel to page so that it doesn’t move. Next, insert one of the small gears into the notches of the large hoop. Using a marker stuck inside one of the little holes, move the gear in  complete circles to make a design. Once that design loop is complete, you can place your pen into another hole and repeat a different design loop on top of the last one. You can also move the wheel to another area of the page and create a new design.

If not rushed, the designs will turn out similar to the pictures below.

Make sure kids understand to press the edge of the gear into the wheel as they are drawing. If the gear slips out of the wheel, just re-align and start over.

Practice makes perfect!

I have attached a video of Ally doing this completed project. May be easier to watch–click these two links below to see completed ;)

Ally demo of how to use a spirograph

Ally Spirograph Art

When the kids have had a chance to practice with the spirograph, direct their attention back to the board. 

Re-read the selected verses and find common words that repeat. Explain that, like the spirograph, John is painting a picture about the love of God in Jesus. Explain that he is looping back to the same subjects so that we get a different view. When you find common wording, see if the big picture makes more sense. 

Looping picture:

You have eternal life because Jesus forgives you of your sins (vs. 13 & 25)

You know the One from the beginning (vs. 13 & 14)

You defeated the evil one (vs. 13 & 14)

You know the Father

You are strong

Ask: If someone tells you something once, do you always remember it? (Sometimes yes, but sometimes no)

John is super cool! He is telling us things multiple times, and going around and around like a spirograph, because he’s painting a picture about what Jesus has done for us. 

And it’s a beautiful picture!

If we take all these verses we could almost make one verse! (like one image once the spirograph image was complete)

Do you see the picture John is drawing? Listen for the clues and let’s see if we can name the picture John is drawing for us with words!

What is the name above all names who makes you strong, who has loved you since the beginning of time and has defeated sin so that you can live with Him forever?

Right, Jesus! 

Thank you John for painting a beautiful picture of our Savior with your words!

Move into watercolor craft.

Hand out fine tip black sharpie markers.

Hand out watercolor paper.

Have children label paper with their name (small). Direct them to draw a few spirograph images on their paper in black sharpie (important that it’s sharpie so it doesn’t bleed when wet.) Once those images are complete, they can fill in their page with their own designs. When they are happy with their sharpie designs, demonstrate how to go over the top of images with watercolors. 

Watercolor containers, paintbrushes and water buckets are in the big drawers. Paper towels and salt packets are in kitchen. (While you are there, grab the gogo apple sauces out of fridge for snack.)

Use pizza boxes to put under each child’s page to contain mess. 

For an added effect, once their entire page is covered with different watercolors, give them salt to sprinkle on top of wet color. It will create a starry effect.
